Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Mystery Unresolved?

I still stand by my previous assessment of Fun Home, although I have to admit at times her literary comparisons are starting to sound a little contrived. Trite and contrived. Or perhaps I'm just annoyed that I'm missing so much meaning in the last comparison by not having read either Ulysses or the Odyssey. I did like Joyce's other works, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Dubliners, though. Perhaps I'll give Ulysses a try someday, though I heard you have to have a ton of notes to read it. And Finnegan's Wake just scares me.

In any case, although the book mainly focuses on the relationship between Alison and her dad, it is her mother's character who intrigues me. Yes, she seems distant and fails to fulfill certain motherly duties, such as giving Alison adequate attention. But for the most part she does her job well and even steps in when Alison's handwriting degenerates. I tend to blame her mother's long history with her father for her distant, apathetic attitude. What I don't get is--why did they get married in the first place? And why does she stay with Alison's dad for so long? I would've left after the first whiff of an affair. I feel like Alison's mom is consenting to sacrifice her freedom and life, even, just to play a part in Alison's dad's big cover-up scheme.

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